Printable topographic maps are available for almost every atlas square in the Maritimes. If you know your square number, simply enter it (e.g. 20LS54) in the box below and click the submit button to obtain it. If you don't know your square number, first download the appropriate region map ? square numbers are provided on these maps. If you don't know what region to select, consult the map of Atlas regions.

Select a regional map


Select a square from your list


Enter your square number:

PDF maps have been made available by the three provincial government partners in the Atlas project: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. This product may only be used for the Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas project and is not to be sold, copied or redistributed without the expressed, written consent of the appropriate provincial government agency indicated on each map. By downloading the maps, you accept the terms of this agreement.

You will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer to view and print the PDF maps, including the region maps. Click here to view instruction for printing the PDF maps. The maps have been created to print best on a legal size sheet (8.5 x 14 inches) with a landscape orientation.

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Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas, Birds Canada, 17 Waterfowl Lane Sackville, NB E4L 4N1 Canada
Phone: 1-866-528-5275 E-mail: Banner photo: Glen Fox