This table contains the habitat codes to use with the Point Count Form.
CLASS A. Woodland |
0 | Undefined | 1 | Deciduous | 2 | Coniferous | 3 | Mixed (> 10% each) |
| Structure
A | Young | B | Mature | C | Mixed age | D | Closed canopy | E | Open canopy | F | Parkland (trees scattered in grassy areas) | G | Wet/ Standing water present | H | Standing dead trees present | I | Fallen dead wood present | J | No understory | K | Grass, fern or herb layer present | L | Low (< 2m) shrub layer present | M | Tall (> 2m) shrub layer present | N | Very low (< 1m) shrub layer present | O | Old Growth |
| Modification
1 | No Human disturbance | 2 | Human disturbance light to moderate | 3 | Human disturbance heavy | 4 | Plantation | 5 | Clearcut | 6 | Partially logged | 7 | No grazing | 8 | Grazing light to moderate | 9 | Grazing heavy | 10 | Human structure present | 11 | Recent burning |
CLASS B. Grassland, Shrubland and Agriculture |
0 | Undefined | 1 | Grassland | 2 | Shrubland | 3 | Tame (planted) grass | 4 | Tilled land (crop) | 5 | Overgrown / old field | 6 | Orchard | 7 | Vineyard | 8 | Native Grassland | 9 | Dunes | 10 | Coulees |
| Structure
A | Hedgerow/Shelter Belt with trees | B | Hedgerow/Shelter Belt without trees | C | Tree line without hedge | D | Fence | E | Isolated group of trees | F | Grass, fern or herb layer present | G | Low (< 2m) shrub layer present | H | Tall (> 2m) shrub layer present | I | Some wet / standing water present | J | Waterbody present | K | Predominately bare ground | L | Very low (< 1m) shrub layer present | M | Some non-native plants |
| Modification
1 | No grazing | 2 | Grazing light to moderate | 3 | Grazing heavy | 4 | Fallow | 5 | Grain Crop | 6 | Row crop | 7 | Hay crop | 8 | Other crop | 9 | Burned | 10 | Human structure present | 11 | Active farmyard | 12 | Abandoned farmyard / homestead | 13 | Power line corridor | 14 | Recently mowed |
CLASS C. Tundra, Alpine |
0 | Undefined | 1 | Dry vegetated tundra / meadow | 2 | Wet vegetated tundra / meadow | 3 | Mix of wet and dry tundra | 4 | Rock / gravel | 5 | Polygonal tundra |
| Structure
A | Tall Shrub (e.g., willow) | B | Low shrub | C | Sedge / grass | D | Dwarf trees (e.g., spruce) | E | Predominately heath-lichen | F | Predominately bare ground | G | Some wet / standing water present | H | Waterbody present | I | Glacier / Ice |
| Modification
1 | No Human disturbance | 2 | Human disturbance light to moderate | 3 | Human disturbance heavy | 4 | Human structure present | 5 | Damage due to geese grubbing |
CLASS D. Human Sites |
0 | Undefined | 1 | Urban | 2 | Rural | 3 | Suburban |
| Structure
A | Buildings | B | Gardens | C | Treed | D | Not Treed | E | Shrubs | F | No shrubs | G | Natural vegetation patch | H | Near road ( < 50 m) | I | Near active railway (< 50 m) | J | Abandoned railway | K | Bridge, culvert, utility pole | L | Lawn |
| Modification
1 | Industrial | 2 | Residential | 3 | Commercial (offices, stores) | 4 | Agricultural | 5 | Municipal park, cemetery, golf course | 6 | Landfill site | 7 | Bordered by grassland / farmland | 8 | Bordered by woodland | 9 | Bordered by urban area |
CLASS E. Wetlands dominated by vegetation |
0 | Undefined | 1 | Sedge / grass | 2 | Reeds /Cattail | 3 | Shrub | 4 | Moss |
| Structure
A | Areas of open water | B | Entirely vegetated | C | Freshwater | D | Saltwater | E | Standing dead trees in water | F | Bog / Muskeg (rainwater as water source) | G | Fen (groundwater as water source) | H | Deciduous trees present | I | Coniferous trees present | J | Mixed deciduous and coniferous trees/ shrubs | K | Some non-native plants |
| Modification
1 | No human disturbance | 2 | Human disturbance light to moderate | 3 | Human disturbance heavy | 4 | Actively managed (dam or weir) | 5 | Margin damaged | 6 | Human structure present | 7 | Bordered by grassland / farmland | 8 | Bordered by woodland | 9 | Bordered by urban area | 10 | Adjacent to water body |
CLASS F. Wetlands with mainly open water |
0 | Undefined | 1 | Sheet water (shallow, temporary) | 2 | Pond / dugout (< 0.25 ha) | 3 | Small lake (0.25 - 5 ha) | 4 | Lake (> 5 ha) | 5 | Stream (< 3 m wide) | 6 | River (> 3 m wide) | 7 | Ditch with water | 8 | Canal with water | 9 | Quarry / mine with water |
| Structure
A | No visible water flow | B | Slow running | C | Fast running | D | Emergent vegetation rim or patches | E | Trees standing in water | F | Oligotophic (clear, few weeds) | G | Eutrophic (green, many weeds) | H | Dystrophic (black, peat stained) | I | Sand shore | J | Rock shore | K | Mud shore | L | Bank / Cliff | M | Artificial water body |
| Modification
1 | No human disturbance | 2 | Human disturbance light to moderate | 3 | Human disturbance heavy | 4 | Actively managed (dam or weir) | 5 | Margin damaged | 6 | Human structure present | 7 | Bordered by grassland / farmland | 8 | Bordered by woodland | 9 | Bordered by urban area |
CLASS G. Saltwater coastal sites |
0 | Undefined | 1 | Marine shore (open) | 2 | Marine shore (cove, inlet) | 3 | Estuarine shore | 4 | Brackish lagoon shore | 5 | Dykeland |
| Structure
A | Mud or silt shore | B | Sand shore | C | Gravel shore | D | Rock shore | E | Fully vegetated | F | Partly vegetated | G | Cliff / Bank |
| Modification
1 | No human disturbance | 2 | Human disturbance light to moderate | 3 | Human disturbance heavy | 5 | Margin damaged | 6 | Human structure present | 7 | Bordered by grassland / farmland | 8 | Bordered by woodland | 9 | Bordered by urban area |